Yearly Archives: 2014

Sorry Young Lady, You Can’t Go To School

Those promoting a higher minimum wage wrap themselves in a cloak of moral superiority, claiming they’re fighting for the poor. Yet they are trapping the poor into poverty. For the very same reason that you wouldn’t say, “Sorry young lady,

Posted in General

Emotion vs. Reason

One can easily judge how well Socialism has worked at producing wealth—everywhere it’s tried it fails. So why do we keep falling for the same tired rhetoric? It’s because the proponents of Socialism market it as more socially just than

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Why a Job?

Why do people work in a job? Not surprisingly, people have different answers to that simple question. That’s because a job is not only a place to earn an income, but also a place to earn credibility for a better

Posted in General, SeaTac

Reality Checks & Minimum Wage

Please see this article by the Manufacturing Industrial Council of Seattle (MIC)—Reality Checks & Minimum Wage. It details the recent results of a survey of “a cross section of Seattle industrial firms with more than 1,100 employees engaged in seafood

Posted in General

February 20th HELP Buycott

We executed another HELP “Buycott” event on Thursday February 20th, 2014. Working Washington had called for a protest at several fast food restaurants and requested their people to boycott all McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King locations in Seattle on that

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